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The importance of our thoughts cannot be overstated. Every thought, word and action has an energetic frequency that affects us both individually and collectively through vibrational resonance or dissonance.  Some words, both positive and negative, are felt subtly while others can create a clear emotional or body felt reaction. Over time words or phrases, especially ones with strong emotional connotations, can actually create an embedded energetic patterning that is continuously looping throughout our nervous system forcing it to respond in one way, a fight/flight response.  The nervous system cannot be in fight/flight/fright and rest/repair/rejuvenate at the same time.  Our bodies are designed to be in homeostasis, in rest/repair and rejuvenate mode, moving into fight/flight when the body is threatened in an emergency.  However, in our modern culture, there are many, many things that appear as an emergency to the body which it then tries to overcome in order to survive, which is the body’s main priority.  Living in this way can create inappropriate chemical responses in the hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, glands, organs, etc. leading to either over or under stimulation, creating imbalance and then exhaustion in one or more systems.  This then manifests as symptoms, conditions and disease due to the body’s state of chronic fight/flight and thus the inability to rest and repair.


Almost 50 years ago, B.E.S.T. was developed by Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr., a chiropractor who wanted to better understand why some of his patients were healing quickly and other patients were not.  Through years of research, testing and clinical application in studying the body's electromagnetic energy system and its effects on the nervous system, he discovered that everything happening on a physical level is happening on an energetic level first.   We all have an electromagnetic blueprint, and this hands on (touch) methodology works at the electromagnetic level to restore balance and communication between the conscious and subconscious divisions of the nervous system.


When addressing any complaint,  whether it is physical, mental or emotional, it is important to understand that the body works on a priority basis. As stated above, the body’s number one priority is survival.  The body reveals short-circuited neurological patterns as a result of unresolved subconscious emotional issues, affecting all systems required for health and wholeness.  Those patterns can be demonstrated as tight muscles, dysfunctional organs and glands, pain conditions, as well as emotional stress or depression type reactions.  As a B.E.S.T practitioner, I act as jumper cables to open communication pathways between the brain and the body, updating the nervous system, enhancing the flow of energy throughout the entire body, removing interference due to unresolved subconscious emotions, the root cause of symptoms.  No matter what the symptom, whether it is mild or severe, acute or chronic, an injury, or if it's a diagnosis of any kind, this work can help.  Symptoms, regardless of level of severity, indicate there is interference in the energy flow of the body.  When the interference is removed, the energy flow is restored, and the body can turn its attention to repairing, rejuvenating and healing itself, because the only power that can actually heal the body is the power that made the body. The efficacy of other healing modalities, conventional or alternative, is enhanced when combined with B.E.S.T.  This work is 100% effective, 100% safe, works 100% of the time for 100% of people and there are zero contraindications.


Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique

B.E.S.T. is “an advanced science of trauma release, injury recovery, and physical/emotional health.” Earle G. Hall. This modality is a gentle touch healing system that addresses stress and promotes balance in all the systems of the body, including the nervous, muscular, circulatory, digestive, hormonal and immune systems.  When a system goes out of balance, it creates a pattern of physical, emotional and chemical symptoms, including illness and disease.  External forces creating an imbalance can include stress due to trauma, injury, toxins or our own thoughts.  The number one reason for blocked energy is unresolved emotion.

Svaroopa® Yoga

Svaroopa® yoga is a modern expression of yoga’s ancient tradition of opening the spine for the purpose of delving into the deeper dimensions of your own existence. Svaroopa® yoga targets the internal structures of your body to unravel the deepest knots of muscular tension resulting in “core opening” or “spinal release.” Using precise alignment in body friendly ways, Svaroopa® yoga poses release tensions in your deep spinal muscles, from your tailbone to the top, helping to realign and rebalance the body’s internal structure. This fosters more flexibility and freedom of movement, eases and relieves aches and pains, improves circulation and respiration, aids the healing process and improves overall health, wellbeing and wholeness. Svaroopa® yoga is both a precise and compassionate yoga practice created for the purpose of healing, transformation, and illuminative experience of your own true Self.

BodyAwake® Yoga

BodyAwake® Yoga is a unique practice that has the power to transform your life by transforming your energy.  Through breath work, asana, vocal toning and other ancient practices, BodyAwake® Yoga anchors the consciousness deep into the parts of the body that are dormant and waiting to be enlivened.  Blending ancient yogic practices and asanas with energy medicine, BodyAwake® Yoga offers a transformational practice focused both on embodiment and enlightenment.  This practice helps you to stop living in your head by training your mind to focus on your core, where the real, authentic version of you resides.  It helps you heal your body naturally as you activate energetic circuitry within your system.


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a one-on-one session with the focus on releasing the deep tensions of the core muscles around the spine from the tailbone upwards through the sacrum, lumbar region and ribcage according to the principles of Svaroopa® yoga.  Yoga therapy may use one of two techniques, or a combination of both in any given session, depending on the client’s needs.  These two techniques are:

Image by 防弹 冰糖
Yoga Poses

Specific poses are chosen for each individual session and are used to help a client release pain and discomfort from specific tensions that are being experienced as well as deeper tensions underlying the surface experience.  The client is fully supported by propping in each pose, allowing a softening and releasing into the pose rather than trying execute the mechanics of the pose.

Beach at Sunset
Embodyment® Yoga Therapy

Embodyment® is a hands-on healing technique of releasing the deeper layers of tension in the core muscles at the base of the spine and carrying the changes up the spine.  The client lies fully clothed and supported in Shavasana (yoga’s relaxation pose) as the therapist places her hands on specific areas of the spine or other bones of the client’s body. The therapist acts as a catalyst to access the client’s own healing power.  The profound release in the core structure of the body promotes healing on all levels.  The benefits are accumulative from session to session.


Awaken to your magnificence and embrace your authentic Self.

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